We Are A Group Of Individuals Who Have A Common Interest In Researching Online Platforms In Order To Enlighten The Public At Large On Whether The Business Being Offered Is Safe Or Financial Suicide.

- Research all the names of the Owners AND the Leaders/top Promoters.
- Find any reviews, scam or otherwise and read them ALL. You will find many points that feature in all of the reviews.
- If anyone of the Leaders/top Promoters or Owners have a track record of having been in scams, do not invest. Many of these online marketers hone in on the get rich quick schemes. They are professionals at this business and have learned how to manipulate systems.
- If any returns are guaranteed or there is a consistent return of a certain percentage per day or per month, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Trading can never give consistent returns daily, monthly or otherwise!
- If you are paying your money into any central account whether in Fiat Currency or CryptoCurrency, the account holder should be registered with the relevant authorities in the countries where the platform is operating. Do NOT listen to the “CryptoCurrency is not regulated, so the company does not have to register” excuse. Any legit company will be registered to give the investors and themselves protection.
- 99% of online scams elect to use Bitcoin as their only method of payment. If this is the only method of payment, BE VERY VERY CAREFUL.
- Platforms promoting compounding of your ROI’s are absolutely going to run into trouble sooner or later. Compounding is the biggest problem when new investments are being used to pay off older investments. There just is not enough money and this happens quite quickly.
- Ponzi schemes usually last around 12 to 18 months depending on the amount given in returns, daily, weekly or monthly. You never know whether you are one of the last in propping up the scheme.
ScamBusters is a small group of individuals who connected to combat online fraud. As a group, we refuse to sit idle while the creators and promoters of these schemes destroy people’s lives.

We endeavour to educate members of the public about the current online platforms being promoted in order to ascertain whether they are legitimate businesses or probable online scams.
ScamBusters will keep you informed in order to prevent you from making financially disastrous decisions. The last thing you want is to lose your hard-earned money

ScamBusters certainly hope that you find the information on this website helpful. Please feel free to email admin and request information on a platform you might be looking at. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is….