Telegram Ponzi Bots/HYIP

Telegram Ponzis
2016 saw the start of the firstTelegram Ponzi Bot “”. Cleverly orchestrated to appeal to the Men on telegram who were more than happy to feed money into Lara’s open hand with the promise of returns of 3% per day “FOREVER”! The scam lasted about 3 months and during this time another slightly modified version of a telegram scam bot launched by the name of Coinr. This too promised great daily returns with the referral commissions being paid directly to your Bitcoin wallet. The site of Bitcoin flowing into your wallet everyday was a huge driving force for massive recruitment. Coinr. saw its demise a little quicker than Lara and was shut down by Telegram. A couple of other Ponzis bots were promoted on telegram shortly after Lara was shut down taking millions of dollars with her, namely Business Bot Incubator, V-Tech and Alpha Cash.
The Ponzi bot fad seemed to dry up until mid 2018 which saw the invent of iCenter. This bot started as Bitcoin platform offering a 1.2% daily ROI for 120 days (120%), then a very short while later Litecoin as introduced offering 1.4% daily ROI for 99 days.
The ponzi ran successfully until late 2018, probably around 5 months which is the average lifespan for a Ponzi given returns of between 1% to 2%.
As things stand now in 2019, the amount of scam bots on Telegram puts this messaging app front and centre in being an accessory to online crime. Telegram have received countless reports to take down the bots as well as emails yet they do nothing to stop this. Unfortunately Telegram has now become a dangerous app to use and, in fact, is an accessory after the fact!!!