Liz Malton BTC Global
Byron Dittberner

Liz Malton

Serial Ponzi Addict
Liz Malton
Liz Malton BTC Global


A colourful past indeed in the world of Ponzi. A gambling obsession with the inability to accept her bad decisions. From the days of MMM to GPX to Freedom Global to BTC Global to Crypto World Evolution , MTI and anything in between, it’s been quite a historic journey. So prolific are the scams she has joined, one has lost count. She is so fully immersed in the Ponzi life she even has a PA to run all her accounts on the various platforms!

Her friendships are only built on whether someone serves a purpose in aiding and abetting her Ponzi goal. The lies and deceit she lives by are just a sign of why she is so into “gambling” her funds and those she drags along with her. This is a sign of a seriously sick person needing psychological help.

Liz Malton was involved in the MMM scam with Andrew Caw and company and explained in detail how they rolled the money from one account to the other. She always registers 5 or six accounts in any system. One in every member of the family’s name and throws the maximum amount in. Based on the history of her behaviour there can be no doubt that she had done the same in BTC Global and was running multiple accounts. It is odd that in a system where duplicate accounts are not allowed, a recording of a call to a member of BTC Global will back up this statement, Liz Malton was allowed to run accounts for every member of her household including the maid.

Let us first address Freedom Global and then track back a bit as more of the information that appeared as a result of her countless hours bleating into the disinterested ears. As a member of Freedom Global Liz Malton had 6 accounts, one in each name of all her members of the family, extended family including the maid. During the time that she was involved she donated the maximum in every trade session in every account. She befriended Vivienne as she knew she was a support operator and spent hours calling her.

Then “disaster” struck, the queue stalled. Consolidation was implemented and the whining began. Oh boy, can she whine and perform? It’s suicide material.

So when trade started once again Liz Malton wanted her money. Liz Malton had recovered all her capital but she wanted her profit, while many others had not even broken even. She repeatedly said she did not enter this platform just to get her money back! So the blackmail and threats started, the endless calls to Byron Dittberner using a negotiator, good cop, bad cop tactics. The harassment, the threats to report Byron to the police etc, were endless. Byron Dittberner then spoke to Robert Maxwell who had stated that Liz Malton was not to be given any special treatment. Actually he used far more colourful language than that.  Byron did not know how to handle it so in the end, he took instructions from Liz Strutt Malton to make sure that all the accounts in her family’s name were always loaded at the top of the queue. Byron discussed this at length with the support operators knowing how unfair it was on the members who had not made their money back.

Support operators removed themselves from the queue to make space despite having made donations.  Liz Malton was not donating she was just receiving. There was also a time when she said she had no money for data and would be unable to confirm her donations received if she was not online.

Liz Malton banked with FNB and all of the top 6 donations that had to be loaded were for her family. She single-handedly destroyed the FNB queue. Whining and complaining because she was not getting enough paid out she went to open bank accounts with other banks so she had more choice of where we had to load her and all her accounts. Not only was she adding banks, but she kept changing her usernames so that other members would not realise she was always at the top of the list when trade opened. Liz Malton was studying the queue alright, not to try and uncover anything sinister but to ensure she was always sitting in pole position.

Then came the conversion to Bitcoin. She then started to push support really hard. If trading started and she was not at the top of the list phones would ring, affecting support operators from handling live support queries.  She would yell and scream at then telling us to load her if Byron forgot.

Byron Dittberner spoke to Robert Maxwell, the owner of the platform, and begged him to make a plan and pay Liz what she wanted just to get rid of her. He hated speaking to Liz Malton.

The owner eventually agreed and sent her 3 BTC, this over and above the extra payments, she received in normal trade sessions. This was recorded on the financial report which Vivienne saw just before the platform was finally shut.

Unlike the other members, Liz Malton bullied and threatened her way to extra money. It was both shocking and amazing that anyone could behave this way.

As for Liz Malton submitting evidence to Robert, she was not in a position to obtain any true or correct information. Vivienne has a copy of the consolidation report and members donation list. It has Liz’s donations received far exceeding her expected return. The only people with this information was Vivienne, Byron and the IT guy.

It was actually with this report that Support realised there were lots of strange accounts where many of them had little to no donations and huge amounts of money received. This was Vivienne’s lead to expose the owners for manipulating the queue and helping themselves to BTC561 which should have been paid out to members. Vivienne confronted the owner and told him to pay back the members who were not in profit. Liz, on the other hand, gained far more than she was due and blackmailed her way to more money.

All support operators had the same level of access to the system. Everyone had the ability to load donations as we were all tasked with balancing back offices and loading balances due after trade parties. No Support Operator ever balanced their own back offices so as to avoid any dishonesty or manipulation and the system tracked every support operator and what they did.

Now let’s look at the story of GPX another donation exchange which was different from Freedom Global.

Liz Malton also had multiple accounts and in fact, had her PA work as a Support Operator. When the platform stalled, as do all donation exchanges, her negotiator friend put enormous pressure on the owner of the platform who went by the name King. Both Liz Malton and her friend, Terry Maharaj, wanted their money and forced King to ensure that they were loaded for members to pay them. Apparently, it was not that they had never received any money back, but that they wanted all their capital and the “growth/interest”.

The loading by the GPX IT team caused many questions to be asked by members as they realised that everyone was paying the same people. The amounts being loaded were around the R100 000 or more each time. This is the exact behaviour she displayed when ensuring the money in Freedom was paid back. It most certainly seems to be a pattern for a Ponzi player who refuses to take responsibility for her actions.

In MTI Liz was true to form with multiple accounts in her own name as well as every member of her family, including the maid.

Liz made the tidy sum BTC30 in MTI and the data leak shows that she left almost nothing in the platform.

In closing, taking Liz Malton’s history into account, her “story” on Cheri Ward’s blog “The Truth about BTC Global” should be treated with the contempt it deserves.


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